Political party Vlaams Belang came up with a website on which civilians can report criminal facts themselves. According to the party there is a lot of crime the civilians don’t know anything about. The party finds it very important that everybody is informed concerning all the criminal facts taking place in Flanders. The flaw of the website is that it puts the focus on crime in Antwerp, and not on Flanders as a whole.
The website consists of three different parts. First, there is the ‘meldkamer’, where civilians can register crimes that happened to themselves or to friends. People talk about their cars being damaged, petrol being stolen from their parents or simply about being robbed while getting out of the train.
Second, you have ‘opsporing verzocht’. Here you can consult a description of people who committed criminal facts, but haven’t been arrested yet. Also, you can see which people have gone missing. In both cases, you are requested to give all the information you have about these persons.
The third part of the website is called ‘preventie’. A list of how to prevent certain crimes can be found here. Vlaams Belang gives tips of how to prevent crime, varying from robbery to carjacking. If you know someone who has come into contact with one of the criminal facts listed here, the party recommends you to tell this person/these persons about the site.
Jessica Van Sintruyen