zaterdag 15 maart 2008

Personal opinion assignment

In my opinion this assignment was very useful for students journalism. Because of this assignment we also came in contact with a lot of different media topics and with the news, which is of course a very important issue in this study.

It was a lot of fun, but it is a pity that the subjects we had to talk about in our blogs were fixed and so we couldn’t choose them ourselves. This is a shame, because as a journalist you also have to be creative and come up with new ideas to keep the public interested.

There were also a few misunderstandings, for example: did we have to write our opinion and personal experiences or more something like a real article with real facts? So I found the assignment rather vague.

It’s also too bad that we haven't received any personal feedback. If I write something I like to know what is good and more important what mistakes I have made so I can learn from them to become a better writer.

But still it was a very good exercise to practice my English and of course my writing skills in general. I think it is one of the most useful assignments we have already gotten this year, finally a little closer to the real work!

Kathleen De Roey

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